Investment Advisor Appleton

Managing risk and volatility is key to protecting and growing your nest egg while you travel along the path toward tomorrow’s goals. Every investment strategy begins with a blend of Safety, Income, and Growth. The key is to blend these in appropriate proportions to create an investment model that helps you achieve your specific wants and needs, yet minimizes the associated risks and volatility, to allow you to sleep comfortably every night. These core models can be summarized as follows:


This model is primarily focused on Safety and Income. The allocation will include 0% to 20% equities and 80% to 100% fixed income.


This model is primarily focused on Income and Safety. The allocation will include 0% to 20% equities and 80% to 100% fixed income.


This model is primarily focused on Safety and Income, with a secondary focus of Growth. The allocation will include 30% to 50% equities and 50% to 70% fixed income.


This model is primarily focused on Growth, Income, and Safety. The allocation will include 50% to 70% equities and 30% to 50% fixed income.


This model is primarily focused on Growth, with a secondary focus on Safety and Income. The allocation will include 70% to 90% equities and 10% to 30% fixed income.